Betekenis van:
batch processing

batch processing
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • the serial execution of computer programs



    1. Batch processing services
    2. The processing may be carried out in batch or continuous systems.’
    3. The processing may be carried out in batch or continuous systems.”
    4. Whenever a food business operator moves a batch of live bivalve molluscs between establishments, up to and including the arrival of the batch at a dispatch centre or processing establishment, a registration document must accompany the batch.
    5. It shall contain a statement that the batch processing and packaging records were reviewed and found in conformity with GMP.
    6. A batch that has been insufficiently processed may immediately undergo processing again in the same establishment, if this processing renders it fit for human consumption.
    7. The processing may be carried out in batch or continuous systems.’(5) The signature and the stamp must be in a different colour to that of the printing.
    8. One whole carcass per slaughter batch shall be collected immediately after chilling but before further processing such as freezing, cutting or packaging.
    9. A batch that has been insufficiently processed may immediately undergo processing again in the same establishment, if this processing renders it fit for human consumption. When a batch is found to be unfit for human consumption, it must be denatured so as to ensure that it is not used for human consumption.
    10. After breaking, each particle of the egg product must undergo processing as quickly as possible to eliminate microbiological hazards or to reduce them to an acceptable level. A batch that has been insufficiently processed may immediately undergo processing again in the same establishment, if this processing renders it fit for human consumption. When a batch is found to be unfit for human consumption, it must be denatured so as to ensure that it is not used for human consumption.
    11. Records of the mass throughput shall be made under official surveillance and signed by representatives of the competent certification authority as soon as the processing of a batch has been completed.
    12. anticipated schedule of waste processing campaigns (other than repackaging, or further conditioning without separation of elements), stating the amount of material per batch, the form (glass, high active liquid, etc.), anticipated duration and location,
    13. Before changing to a different batch in a processing system the representatives of the competent certification authority shall ensure by official surveillance that the processing system is empty, at least to the extent necessary to ensure the elements of two different batches cannot be mixed.
    14. If hops, hop products, spent hops or any other product derived from hops remain in parts of the processing system such as blending or canning containers while hops of another batch is being processed, these parts have to be disconnected from the processing system by suitable technical means and under official surveillance.
    15. One whole carcass per slaughter batch shall be collected immediately after chilling but before further processing such as freezing, cutting or packaging. In some slaughterhouses this may mean that samples are taken after pre-chilling when this is the last step before further processing.